Professional badass or what (aka tell us what you do for a living)? On the weekends I try to be as badass as possible but if I fail at that, I work as a hostess and I attend college.
Who are your favorite artists (music, photographer, etc.) and why? This question is difficult seeing as I love everyone. Some favorites are The Maine ( I've been a fan since late 2008 and they've stuck with me ever since), The Backstreet boys (you can't judge me, they're amazing), Justin Timberlake (who DOESNT love him?!) and JoJo (Favorite female singer of all time - well next to Selena Quintanilla - queen of everything)
Flip flop or a heel? I'm more of a boot person, so a boot with a heel is perfect. I don't care if I'm 5'11, I'll wear a heel if I wanna!
How often do get cat-called and do you love/hate it? I get cat-called literally almost everyday. I've became accustomed to it, especially since majority of the time, I have on headphones so I don't hear squat!
What's something you think people should talk more (and/or less) about? I honestly think people should talk more about education and how we can better ourselves and talk less about why Kanye West is upset at his wife Kim.
Are you single? I am not single, currently dating this wonderful, smart and funny dude.
Coolest thing that ever happened to you in one sentence: I met the Bee Gees.
Favorite fruit? Ummmmm it would definitely have to be strawberries!
Favorite Beatle? I was going to say a ladybug until I re- read the question haha. I'm not that big of a Beatles fan... Does that make me uncool? I'm sorry!
Where can we find you? You can find me in the hood - if you're too scared to check there, find me on Instagram : Eyeamsabrina, Twitter : Eyeamsabrina or Tumblr:
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