Who are you? I'm a 21 year old girl living in Staten Island, procrastinating every responsibility, trying to live life like I'm forever an 18 year old punk.
Professional badass or what (aka tell us wtf you do for a living)? I'm a student at FIT, and a visual merchandiser at a shitty company that will remain nameless. I badass on the side.
What is your favorite album right now? Goo - Sonic Youth, because my bf got me the box set for Xmas so I'm listening to it every day.
How do you feel about being cat-called? I find it amusing. I'm not that offended, I don't feel the need to go on some crazy feminist rant about it. It doesn't boost my confidence either. It just makes me laugh and I keep on walking. Who gives a fuck? If a woman cat-called a man, would he be complaining?
Something you left in 2014: Feeling like I'm not good enough.
Worst internet trend? All of them? Can I say that? Every single trend that was born via Tumblr needs to die. (Says a person with a Tumblr)
What's something you think people should talk more (and/or less) about?
Go-to drink? All you need is jack and fireball.
Coolest thing that ever happened to you in one sentence: Getting my Smiths 'Good times for a change' tattoo, even though there wasn't a lot of good times in my life, and everything getting better from that moment on.
I feel like the people who talk about feminism are the people less educated about feminism. I love Sabrina but I think she is truly ignorant about feminism. The fact that she says 'talk less about how not shaving equals feminism' is a problem within its self. I get it, there are bigger topics to talk about, like how Brazilian teen girls are being forced into illegal sterilization which will prevent them from having children, or Indian girls who are raped and harassed on their way to school. Cat calling may seem like such a small problem compared to those international issues right? Well cat calling goes deeper than that, if you live in NYC then you will definitely see women from all around the world and I can assure you that all of those women come with a different story. As a woman, I grew up in Brazil and I was catcalled every single day to the point where I was scared for my life (esp when the men twice your age insist on giving you a ride on your way home from school). Now I live in NYC and when I am catcalled, it brings back old memories and fears of childhood, hence, I react with anger and hatred. Sabrina mentions that if a man is catcalled then he would not be offended. I don't think she understands the idea of what catcalling really is and how harmful it can be. Statistic shows than men are more likely to become physically aggressive if a woman ignores his calls, whereas, I can assure you women do not become aggressive. Also it has to do with western gender stereotypes, women who catcall are seen as desperate, that is why the majority of women do not cat call. I must admit that I have looked at men, especially living in NYC where there are a hell lot of attractive men, but I have never catcalled one. The fact is, you see more men staring at women's asses than you see women staring at men's dicks in skinny jeans. Again, it goes deeper than just cat calling or shaving. Feminism goes deeper than what you see on tumblr or other social media and Sabrina does not seem very educated in that topic to even speak about it. I think she is an example of someone who is brainwashed by modern feminism. Even the word 'feminism' has such a bad rep that alot of women taking on the responibility of trying to prove that they are not a 'crazy man hating' feminist. In reality, feminism has nothing to do with any of these actions, it is a word lost in translation and because of this, alot of women do not want to be associated with feminists. I also find it funny how she throws shade at feminism but mentions how we should talk more about human rights, because y'know, women don't matter? Feminism is apart of human rights as it entails equal rights between men and women. SIMPLE. Nevertheless, I think she has a badass trendy fashion sense and a sassy attitude. In my eyes, she embraces her body shape and she presents herself with much confidence and is definitely quite appealing. She is very photogenic and I admire her style and attitude. I obviously don't know her personally but I can say that she is one of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I do follow her on instagram for some foxy fashion tips.
ReplyDeleteDear Anon,
ReplyDeleteI wish you would realize that my response to cat calling is based on my experiences only, and I did not mean to offend anyone by that. Also, me saying that I think people should stop talking about not shaving equaling feminism is me saying that people should educate themselves on real issues and not use girls like Sandy Kim and Petra Collins as their education on the matter. I am not brainwashed by modern feminism. Kim and Collins are modern feminism, using period blood and armpit hair as a way to be different and cool and calling themselves feminists when they know nothing. The people who copy them are the ones who are brainwashed. I am my own person with my own beliefs just like you. I say people should talk more about human rights because I believe all humans matter, women included. I think instead of people using the word 'feminist' to seem more cool, they should actually care. Your aggression and name calling is misplaced. I am educated and I do not appreciate you calling me ignorant. I appreciate your opinion, but don't bash me for no reason. And next time, woman up and don't be anonymous.